Your details page:
Once you have clicked ‘Start request’ from your verification request email and agreed to the Amiqus's data subject terms, you will be taken to the ‘Your details’ page.
Once you have completed your details, if the system is displaying an error message and not allowing you continue to the next stage please try the following:
- Review your address. When typing in your address, please ensure that you select your address from the drop down address picker as this inputs the address in the correct format for the system.
- Please ensure that you have entered either a mobile or a landline number.
Identity check stage:
Once you have completed your remaining details for the identity check, if the system does not allow you to proceed, please ensure that:
- You have provided 12 months worth of address history (your current address must be based within the UK)
- If you do not have a current UK address, please contact the organisation/agent that you are transacting with and let them know that you are unable to complete this check.
Please note: If you do not have a current UK address history, you can skip past the identity report check and complete your remaining checks such as Photo ID, as this is an international check.